i think there should be a section where people can post a mission/quest they want other people in on so everyone can get stat points for a mutual benefit. essentially, a message board where you tell everyone what it is you wanna do and if they want, what their part in it would be.
Hi, I'm Niiro Sekkou, a not-so-friendly Adjuchas with a bunch of mates (4 total right now) who are looking for somebody to either fight or get to know. The way I see it, this could go several ways. For example, random encounter between them/just Sekkou and a Shinigami (like nerdy-chan or whoever) and they duke it out like...well, i can't think of a simile. just put one there. or, if a Hollow wants some tips from the venerable Adjuchas, they could get some training in together. or if quincys or superhumans or whatever wanna do somethin', I'm game.
main point: i wanna rp Sekkou with someone because sadly his experience in that area is low. don't make me rp with myself (aka with Ryouta) PLZZ!!!