So for the past month or so I have been packing up all of my roommates and my own personal belongings. We have decided to move, but have yet to decide on a final destination to move to. We have already submitted applications to move into multiple places, but have yet to make a final decision. What I am getting to is that approximately in a few weeks I will be in the moving phase, which means I won't have time to come online or possibly the means to. Furthermore, once we do move we will most likely not have internet for awhile. Once we do though, I'll be back in action.
So I haven't started the moving process yet, have just been packing. I'm still sticking around, but once we finally do begin moving I'll be away. At the new place, once its decided where we wish to go, I won't have internet, but I'll be sure to get it as soon as possible. This is just to inform everyone in case I mysteriously disappear.