The hollow landed in the nesting grounds. Looking at the newly formed hollow. Future competition... I am better... I have more strength. The odd hollow let out a chuckle, as it looked at one of the larger newborns. "I will race you... Winner... Eats the other... Absorbing their strength...." The larger newborn resembled a large jungle cat, and had all of the other newborns following it. Sanguijuela was excited at the thought of devouring the newborn and gaining his speed. The newborn nodded and stood next to San. Their claws dug into the sound. Little hollow lizards stood on rocks waiting anxiously to see the race. Sanguijuela howled letting the newborn go first. The newborn was a few yards away when Sanguijuela shot off. His claws tore through the gravel as he charged slowly passing the newborn. As they turned the newborn tried its best to pass Sanguijuela, but San turned his head shooting a small cero to kick up a small cloud of dust. San reached the finish line, turning to see the newborn fearful. San just laughed, pouncing on him. The newborn was tornaway by the odd hollow. Devoured by the hollow with a leech-like mask.
San began to glow with the energy that he gained from the newborn and looked at the others. "So... Who else... Who else wants..... challenge...Sanguijuela?" The Hollow grumbled. The newborns shook, but all joined in at the starting line. It was a racing royal, winner got rights to devour all of the others. Sanguijuela chuckled excitedly, so many newborns with so much fresh energy. The newborns howled with excitement next to him. San tilted his head up and fired a cero in the air. The newborns began to charge full speed down to a large rock at the end of their view. San waited a second before leaping a few yards, only to land charging full speed. The others who were so far away, caught up in no time at all. San slowed down as they neared the rock and laughed. He let the other hollow get close to the line. Sanguijuela darted in front of the leading hollow at the last second. The newborns howled in terror. One by one they were devoured. Most stayed, knowing they could not outrun the leech. Though it did not stop some from trying. When Sanguijuela was finished with his feast, he glowed with newly-gained energy. "What a wonderful game that was...." Sanguijuela said, turning to look over the horizon. Searching for another nesting grounds.