Forum Rules1) No excessive swearing/cussing in the RP. Though we do allow some vulgarities, if it appears that this is all you live for, don’t be surprised when you receive some form of admonishment from us.
2) No advertising outside of the board that is designated as such. The
advertisement forum is open to anyone who would like to advertise other forums. This means that you may not use the chat-box, nor in any other general threads to advertise for your site. You are not permitted to post any porn-related material, including erotic roleplaying websites. Breaking the latter rule will lead to permanent banning.
3) No spam, double posts, or OOC (out of character) posts in the IC (in character) roleplaying boards. Spam is defined here as any random and, for lack of a better word, stupid comment. For example, we do not want a thread in the “Character Creation” area having posts about cookies and milk. Really, just save it for the appropriate board. Double-posts are almost always completely unnecessary. If you need to add further information that you had previously left out, simply edit your previous post. The only instance in which one may break this rule is in the character creation area, in order to post your character updates and whatnot. The only Out of Character posting that is allowed within the roleplaying boards are at the head or foot of IC posts in order to inform everyone about some background or other pertinent information they may need to continue with the story. There is a difference between Player knowledge and Character knowledge. Using player knowledge to benefit your character is strictly forbidden and is punishable with a 3-day ban. If two or more users participate in an RP thread together then they must follow the posting order meaning, for example; John posts first then Frank, if John doesn't post for a while Frank can't post either. One must wait for the other to post.
4) Regarding post length, you are not allowed to have single-sentenced posts. We are not requiring much by asking for a couple of sentences or paragraphs. There is always a lot to write about, but people do not ever use the numerous things that there are to write about in their posts. I recommend that you take note of your character’s thoughts and appearance in order to lengthen your posts.
5) Proper grammar and punctuation are to be followed, because that is common sense.
We donw ant post lyk tis. It really isn’t that hard to proof read, and it is suggested that you type anything up using Microsoft Word, or any equivalent program that can check your post for spelling and grammar.
6) Godmodding and metagaming are not allowed here, or anywhere else for that matter. What these mean is moving someone’s character or causing them to do something without the other person’s consent. You may not say what their character does, or whether they get hit by an attack or not. That is up to them, though everyone is asked to use common sense when determining if they get hit or not. If it was unavoidable, then you should be hit, period. Metagaming is just building an uber-character that will not, or cannot, die.
7) Players who are using the same computer may not use the accounts of the other... It is counted as account sharing (which is against the rules). It is preferred that players keep their posts separate in this case, even if one has permission to combine posts with the other. This does not mean however that, with permission, a player cannot give a single quote or action of another player to avoid a short post...
8 ) A player character can not be killed unless permission is given by the character's owner. Non-Player Characters do not apply to this rule. You may kill another member's NPC without their permission. However it is required to gain permission from a mod or admin if you do not have the owner's permission.
9) Harassment is against the rules because even if we did not mind, it is against the law, and terms given by darkbb. If you believe that you are being harassed, you are to report it to one of the administrators, who will look into the issue. You may play with people, and tease them, but do not go overboard in doing this.
10) The current character limits stand as the following:
11) You are allowed Three Characters however, you should only have one account. This account can have any name though your discord nickname should match this account name for clarity. In your signature, you should have the names, stats, and links to each of your characters' sheets. We try to standardize what this will look like so the following code may be copy and pasted, and the relevant information can be replaced (including the url).
- Code:
[center][b][size=16]Characters: (1/3)[/size][/b][spoiler]
[url=][b][size=16]Shiori Kato - Shinigami - Level 1[/size][/b][/url]
[size=16]Attack: 30 - Speed: 40 - Defense: 30[/size][/spoiler][/center]
We operate on a three-strike rule here. A staff member will give you a warning on your first offense, the second time you will receive a punishment based on the offense, this could mean being banned for a period of time (a few days, a week, ect.) or it could mean that you will have stat points removed from your character. The Third time is a permanent ban.
Remember these are guidelines. If your crime is exceptionally bad you WILL be banned first.
Fair Warning.
Chatroom Conduct:1) We don't look kindly upon hate campaigns. If you have a problem with someone, you either come to a staff member and we will fix it, as best we can, or you keep it off the forum.
2) We realize that different people are offended by different things however racism, sexism, homophobia. or any other form of prejudice will NOT be tolerated. At all. Ever.
3) If you are asked to stop doing whatever it is you may be doing by a staff member, please do. It will make your life easier.
The system applies. Three strikes and then you are gone.