Ok, this is something I was talking to Marly about, then he sort of disappeared, busy with Real Life, so I'll post this here. (excuse my copy and paste-icism, this is straight from the word doc, and is meant as a sort of prototype lol)
Arrancar and Vizard Requirements
For any Hollow to apply to become an Arrancar they must:
1. Be Rank 6
2. Fill out an application to be approved in a similar fashion as the Rank Up applications.
3. Provide a Role Played transformation and description equal to or more than 600 words once the application is approved.
4. At Rank 7, an application/RP for your Arrancar’s Resurrección form must be provided. The requirements will be as follows:
-A minimum of 800 words
-Provide a call out phrase for the transformation
5. At Rank 8, another 800 word application should be submitted to gain an ability and usage of the Gran Rey Cero. This ability will be equivalent, for the most part, to a Bankai-level ability.
6. At Rank 11, a 5000 word application may be submitted to gain a second state Resurrección, or Segunda Etapa. This will need approval from all regularly active Moderators and Admin. This is also not required. ONLY ONE MEMBER WILL BE GRANTED THIS ABILITY. THE USER MUST BE ACTIVE AND WHEN THE CHARACTER THAT HAS OBTAINED THIS ABILITY DIES OR BECOMES INACTIVE, ANOTHER RANK 11 ARRANCAR MAY APPLY TO GAIN THIS ABILITY.
For any Shinigami to apply to become a Vizard, they must:
1. Be Rank 6
2. Fill out an application to be approved in a similar fashion as any Rank Up application.
3. Provide a detailed transformation through Role play consisting of at least 600 words once the application is approved.
4. At Rank 7, you are able to apply for limited control over your inner Hollow. This application must consist of:
- at least 800 words
-provide a total of 4 points to any of your Stats, which will only be added and applied when you use your mask, to be divided how you choose.
5. At Rank 8, you may apply for mastery of your Inner Hollow. This application will consist of:
-at least 1000 words
-provide a total of 4 last points to your Stats, to be divided how you choose, that will be added and applied only when you use your mask.
6. At Rank 11, a 5000 word application may be submitted to be allowed to release Full Hollow. This will need approval from all regularly active Moderators and Admin. This is not required. ONLY ONE MEMBER WILL BE GRANTED THIS ABILITY. THE USER MUST BE ACTIVE AND WHEN THE CHARACTER THAT HAS OBTAINED THIS ABILITY DIES OR BECOMES INACTIVE, ANOTHER RANK 11 VIZARD MAY APPLY TO GAIN THIS ABILITY.
There will be only a few able to apply and receive ability to be Arrancar or Vizard. Do not pester Admin or Moderators in hopes that we’ll allow a bunch of these or show favoritism. We’re not that easily swayed. Applications should be up shortly.