[OOC Preface: Hello everyone. I hope the mods don't mind me taking a little initiative here. I was getting a little fed up with most threads just being sparing and little else and of course this is understandable, missions are slow and other than that sparing and a little socialising there isn't a LOT to do. And of course sparing gets very complicated when more than two people are involved.
So the premiss is this.
A challenge is put forward and using all the skills and intelligence your character has you must complete the challenge. Everyone gets one post and we'll arrange a panel of judges who aren't competing in the bracket to judge who completed the challenge best.
Scoring will be based on (depending on the challenge these may change)
Efficiency - High level kidos with long incantations are not very efficient. If you can figure out a way to do it with hado one or two, kudos to you.
Speed - How quickly you achieve the goal
Style - It is a spectator sport after all.
Intelligence- thinking outside the box to get the challenge done
Please do not post I will set up a discussion thread. The next post will be the challenge]