Hado 20
Kuroi walked into the 4th squad headquarters alone, he was the only one who would take the exam today as no one except Kuroi actually applied to be in 4th squad. The people not cut out for the other squads and demonstrated an ability in kidou were reassigned to 4th squad later. But anyway that was not on Kuroi’s mind as he walked into the squad headquarters. He was greated by a squad 4 seated officer and was shown to a testing room where the squad 4 vice captain stood leaning against a corner. Kuroi stood at attention while the other 4th squad member stayed in the back by the door. there is only one requirement that we want out of you Kuroi…that is to cast a level 20 or lower kidou… from either disapline. Your evaluation is that and you may use a book of kidou to refresh your memory the Vice captain smiled looked down at the ground again…Kuroi calm on the exterior walked over and sat down by the book… and opened it to the bakuto section… Kuroi’s mind was racing…if I perform a high kidou I might fail but if I perform a low kidou it could not show what my capabilities are. But then again what if they judge on showing off would that void his application to the 4th squad if he showed to much ambition??? Oh no to confusing too confusing… was going through Kuroi’s mind as he opened book to the 20th way of destruction. He started Raising up reatsu to cast the proportionally powerful kido after he summoned what he though was enough he started to recite the incantation, “Destruction! Surround my body! Send any around me to the realm of the the unconscious, where dreams do not reach! Hado 20 White Crawl!” the kidou was surprisingly successful knocking out the person that lead him in and even the Vice Captain seemed disturbed.